SD EnergyLink
Save energy. Earn incentives. The SD EnergyLink program offers cash incentives to SDG&E® customers on federal properties and Native American lands that install new, energy-efficient technology, equipment, or systems. Whether your facility is a military base, post office, or casino, we’re here to help you save energy and money.
Who we serve

Military Facilities
Military installations including military bases and all non-military buildings located on bases.
- Naval and Marine Corps Bases
- Commissaries
- Hospitals
- Residential
Tribal Nations
Facilities owned and operated by the 18 recognized tribes in the SDG&E service territory.
- Agricultural
- Retail
- Casinos
- Water Treatment Facilities

Federal Government Facilities
Law enforcement and protection facilities as well as facilities that help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies.
- Customs
- US Postal Service
- VA Hospitals
- GSA Sites
Local Government Facilities
Administrative, public service, and infrastructure facilities owned and operated by local government entities including cities, the County of San Diego, and specialty districts.
- Municipal buildings
- Specialty district facilities (fire, health, parks & recreation, police, etc.)
- Water and solid waste treatment facilities
What we offer
Our team of dedicated energy advisors can identify cost-effective, energy-efficient solutions for your facility, provide financial incentives or rebates for your project and help you achieve your energy goals.