Our Purpose
SD EnergyLink’s mission is to provide customers on federal properties and Native American lands opportunities to save money on utility bills by offering resources and incentives that support the adoption of energy-efficient technology, equipment, and systems.
Eligible Properties Must Meet the Following Criteria:
- Be an existing SDG&E® customer on federal property or Native American lands
- Billing must be based on a qualifying rate schedules AL-TOU, AL-TOU2 and/or schedule GN-3
- Must be located within the service area
- If you are an existing SDG&E customer but do not meet the above criteria, you may still qualify for other rebate programs. Contact SDG&E’s energy service center at 1-800-644-6133 to learn more
How You Can Save
There are two types of incentives through which SD EnergyLink participants primarily save:
Fast-Track Incentives
- Cash rebates to reduce the cost of replacing specific equipment with more energy efficient substitutes.
- Pre-approval is not necessary if project incentives are listed in the rebate catalog.
Custom Project Incentives
- Cash rebates for equipment that provides energy savings and are not qualified for Fast-Track incentives.
- SD EnergyLink must pre-approve this project BEFORE the purchase or installation of products or equipment.