• 3rd


    May, 2024

    Tribal Nations Can Work With DOE To Achieve Energy Goals

    Thirteen Tribal Nations received funding through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas program. This funding will help these communities complete clean energy projects and improve climate resiliency. Tribes with clean energy goals are encouraged to connect with the Office of Energy to find financial and technical assistance opportunities. Learn more on their website. 

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  • 2nd


    May, 2024

    New Rule Requires Federal Agencies To Phase Out Fossil Fuel Use in Construction Projects

    The Clean Energy for New Federal Buildings and Major Renovations of Federal Buildings Rule mandates that all new federal building construction or major renovations achieve net-zero emissions by 2045. The rule works in tandem with Executive Order 14057 and the other Federal Sustainability Plan actions. Read the full article on FacilitiesNet to get more details. 

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  • 20th


    Mar, 2024

    Department of Energy Resources Guide Helps Connect Tribal Communities With Funding Opportunities

    The Biden-Harris Administration and Department of Energy (DOE) created the Tribal Nations and Native Communities Resources Guide to highlight federal funding opportunities for Tribal governments. This guide can help these communities learn about and navigate relevant energy efficiency programs, such as the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. Visit DOE’s website to access the guide. 

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  • 20th


    Mar, 2024

    Federal Energy and Water Management Awards Winners Lead the Way in Reducing Waste

    The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize successful projects at federal properties that resulted in a noteworthy improvement in energy and water efficiency. Learn more about these projects and programs that cut energy and water waste on the Department of Energy’s website. 

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  • 1st


    Mar, 2024

    Grant Funding Available To Assist the Development of Clean Energy Programs

    Community-based organizations and Tribal Nations can receive funding through the Clean Energy Access (CEA) Grant Account to help facilitate clean energy programs. CEA Grant Account funding can be used to develop equity initiatives and clean energy access opportunities that complement other California Public Utilities Commission programs. Learn more on the California Grants Portal. 

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  • 17th


    Jan, 2024

    Over $104 Million in Funding Available to Advance Net-Zero Projects at Federal Facilities

    The Department of Energy (DOE) announced $104 million in funding for energy-efficient projects at federal facilities through the Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) program. The projects that receive AFFECT funding will help achieve greenhouse gas emissions reduction and other energy-related goals set by President Biden’s December 2021 Executive Order. 

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  • 11th


    Jan, 2024

    Efficiency Upgrades Can Reduce Energy Demand in Buildings By 38%

    A report from the World Economic Forum and PwC states that completing energy savings and efficiency projects can help buildings reduce energy consumption by as much as 38%. Over time, as the cost savings from actions taken to lessen the amount of energy that facilities need to operate add up, these efforts will pay for themselves. Learn more about this report in an article from Smart Cities Dive. 

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  • 29th


    Dec, 2023

    Invest in Efficiency Before Focusing on Renewable Energy

    Reducing your facility’s energy usage will make investing in energy easier and more affordable in the future. According to an article from Facility Executive, the payback period on solar panels and other renewable energy technology will be longer if efforts are not taken to optimize energy systems for cost savings and efficiency first. 

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  • 28th


    Nov, 2023

    New Policies Empower Tribal Nations To Become More Energy Secure

    With their environmental and cultural values front of mind, Tribal Nations are working with the federal government to overcome barriers that prevent progress towards independent energy development. A recent provision in the Inflation Reduction Act allows Tribes to take advantage of federal tax credits for energy projects for the first time. Read the article by Resources to learn how Tribes are moving forward. 

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  • 9th


    Oct, 2023

    The Inflation Reduction Act Spotlights the Need to Better Support Tribal Communities in Response to Climate Change

    President Biden’s climate change law, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), set aside $720 million in funding for tribal governments to improve energy efficiency and develop more resilient energy strategies. This funding, alongside other resources provided by IRA programs, strengthens tribal governments and helps reduce the widespread energy poverty present in their communities. Head to Legal Planet to get additional information on IRA provisions. 

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