• 3rd


    May, 2024

    Tribal Nations Can Work With DOE To Achieve Energy Goals

    Thirteen Tribal Nations received funding through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas program. This funding will help these communities complete clean energy projects and improve climate resiliency. Tribes with clean energy goals are encouraged to connect with the Office of Energy to find financial and technical assistance opportunities. Learn more on their website. 

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  • 2nd


    May, 2024

    New Rule Requires Federal Agencies To Phase Out Fossil Fuel Use in Construction Projects

    The Clean Energy for New Federal Buildings and Major Renovations of Federal Buildings Rule mandates that all new federal building construction or major renovations achieve net-zero emissions by 2045. The rule works in tandem with Executive Order 14057 and the other Federal Sustainability Plan actions. Read the full article on FacilitiesNet to get more details. 

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  • 20th


    Mar, 2024

    Federal Energy and Water Management Awards Winners Lead the Way in Reducing Waste

    The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize successful projects at federal properties that resulted in a noteworthy improvement in energy and water efficiency. Learn more about these projects and programs that cut energy and water waste on the Department of Energy’s website. 

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  • 11th


    Jan, 2024

    Efficiency Upgrades Can Reduce Energy Demand in Buildings By 38%

    A report from the World Economic Forum and PwC states that completing energy savings and efficiency projects can help buildings reduce energy consumption by as much as 38%. Over time, as the cost savings from actions taken to lessen the amount of energy that facilities need to operate add up, these efforts will pay for themselves. Learn more about this report in an article from Smart Cities Dive. 

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  • 29th


    Dec, 2023

    Invest in Efficiency Before Focusing on Renewable Energy

    Reducing your facility’s energy usage will make investing in energy easier and more affordable in the future. According to an article from Facility Executive, the payback period on solar panels and other renewable energy technology will be longer if efforts are not taken to optimize energy systems for cost savings and efficiency first. 

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  • 6th


    Oct, 2023

    Energy Efficiency Helps Communities Become Climate Resilient

    To mitigate the impact of extreme heat, flooding, and other weather-related incidents, the Department of Energy (DOE) encourages investment in energy-efficient technology to improve climate resilience. The DOE helps communities become safer, more equitable, and economically stronger by providing resources through its Office of State and Community Energy Programs. Learn more on DOE’s website.

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  • 28th


    Aug, 2023

    Federal Facilities Adapting Operational Strategies In Response To Changing Work Models

    Improving energy efficiency and creating environments that staff feel more comfortable in are two ways government entities are updating the operational strategies of their facilities. In an interview with FacilitiesNet, two commercial real estate experts discuss some of the changes they’ve observed and how facility managers are dealing with them.

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  • 7th


    Jun, 2023

    Biden Administration’s Investing in America Agenda Will Help California

    Since 2022, the Department of Energy (DOE) has provided more than $250 million to California state and local governments as part of the Biden administration’s Investing in America Agenda. Some of these funds have gone towards advancing equity through the Justice40 Initiative, including projects that improve energy efficiency and resiliency. Visit DOE’s website to learn about recent developments in the state. 

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  • 28th


    Apr, 2023

    Proposed California Electricity Rate Redesign Centers Equity

    Legislation passed in 2022 requires the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to develop income-graduated fixed charges (IGFCs) for residential electricity bills by 2025. Rebalancing rates through IGFCs will alleviate some of the burden customers in households navigating low incomes bear related to funding utility operations. Coupled with reduced volumetric rates, these changes will more fairly fund the state’s energy and climate policies. Keep reading to better understand CPUC’s proposed rate reform.

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  • 16th


    Nov, 2022

    California Targets 2045 for Net-zero Emissions

    By state law, California must reduce emissions 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2045—at which point the state would achieve carbon neutrality.  In November, air quality officials released a plan to achieve this goal that includes eliminating the use of gas appliances over the next eight years in both residential and commercial buildings. 

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