SD EnergyLink provides cash incentives for energy-efficiency projects that can help your facility save on operations and maintenance costs. Incentives vary based on project scope and size. This program is available to qualifying properties within SDG&E® service territory that are on applicable rate schedules (Schedules AL-TOU, AL-TOU2 and/or schedule GN-3).

Fast-Track & Custom Project Incentives

Fast-Track Incentives

Receive cash incentives and rebates based on the amount of energy the new technology, equipment, or system will save when compared to existing energy use. Calculate the estimated incentive amount using our online application tool or connect with a program representative.

Fast-Track Incentives are commonly known as deemed incentives. Projects using only Fast-Track Incentives do not require pre-approval if all equipment is listed on the Fast-Track list below.

Custom Projects

Whether you have a specific project in mind or don’t know where to start, SD EnergyLink staff can help you identify energy-saving opportunities and connect you with incentives.

For some custom projects, like  Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) projects, the team uses data analysis and energy measurement and automation strategies to provide a more accurate way to measure how much energy efficiency you can get out of a building retrofit project.

Common Energy-Efficiency Projects

  • Boiler and chiller plant improvements

  • Building automation systems/energy management control systems (EMCS)

  • Chilled water, hot water and steam distribution systems

  • Electric motors and drives

  • Heating, ventilation and cooling equipment (HVAC) upgrades

  • Outdoor lighting efficiency and controls

  • Refrigeration and food service equipment

  • Retro-commissioning

  • And more!

Available Fast-Track Incentives

The rebates listed in this table are not the only rebates available through SD EnergyLink. Incentive rates are subject to change for the latest rebate information, contact the program.

Description Rebate Amount
Air conditioning units, 5 ton and above, packaged or split $1.38 – $212 (per ton capacity)
Heat pump units, 1 – 63 ton units, packaged or split $2.34 – $218 (per ton capacity)
Description Rebate Amount
Anti-sweat heater (ASH) controls (low temperature) $28.50 – $39.50 (per Linear Foot)
Anti-sweat heater (ASH) controls (medium temperature) $5 – $24 (per Linear Foot)
Description Rebate Amount
Circulating block heater: 37-199 kW undersized $158 – $498 (per each unit)
Circulating block heater: 200-799 kW undersized $87 (per each unit)
Description Rebate Amount
Gas dryer modulating valve $77 – $450 (per each unit)
Description Rebate Amount
Large heat pump water heater, ≥ 100 gal, replacing 100 gal nat. gas tank $22 – $142 (per kBtu/hr output capacity of HPWH)
Large heat pump water heater, ≥ 100 gal, replacing nat. gas boiler $21 – $142 (per kBtu/hr output capacity of HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 50 gal, replacing 30 – 50 gal nat. gas tank or tankless $463 – $2,500 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 65 gal, replacing 55 – 75 gal nat. gas tank $893 – $3,363 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 80 gal, replacing 75 gal nat. gas tank $1,388 – $4,034 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 50 gal, replacing 30 – 50 gal standard electric tank $865 – $1,343 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 65 gal, replacing 60 gal heat pump water heater $149 – $768 (per each HPWH)
Heat pump water heater, 80 gal, replacing 75 gal heat pump water heater $148 – $892 (per each HPWH)
Description Rebate Amount
Hot water tank insulation, 2-in insulation, indoor, nat. gas $12 (per sqft of area installed)
Hot water tank insulation, 2-in insulation, outdoor, nat. gas $12 (per sqft of area installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, hot water, outdoor, various pipe diameters and heating fuel sources $1 – $22 (per linear foot installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, hot water, indoor, various pipe diameters and heating fuel sources $1 – $21 (per linear foot installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, steam, indoor, various diameters $17 – $64 (per linear foot installed)
Pipe and fitting insulation, 1-in thickness, steam, outdoor, various diameters $17 – $64 (per linear foot installed)
Description Rebate Amount
Type B LED, mogul base lamps – various configurations $1.25 – $105 (per each bulb)
Description Rebate Amount
Pool cover, commercial, outdoor $1.48 – $2.11 (per sq ft)
Description Rebate Amount

Pool heater, indoor and outdoor, 84% efficiency

$0.50 – $2.00 per Cap kBtu/hr

Pool heater, indoor and outdoor, 94% efficiency

$1.00 – $4.00 per Cap kBtu/hr

Description Rebate Amount
≤ 1/12 hp – > 1/3 hp $399 (per each unit)
Description Rebate Amount
Vertical refrigeration case doors only, medium temperature, retrofit $56 – $123 (per Linear Foot)
New vertical refrigeration case with doors, medium temperature $202 – $284 (per Linear Foot)
New vertical refrigeration case with doors, low temperature $331 (per Linear Foot)
Description Rebate Amount
Software-controlled SRM, 1-15 hp, packaged unit fan motor $150 – $450 (per hp of fan motor)
Description Rebate Amount
VSD on HVAC fan controls $169 – $257 (per hp of motor)
VSD on central plant system $40 – $129 (per hp of motor)
VSD for HVAC units, packaged and split $17 – $180 (per ton capacity)
VSD for air compressor $11 – $156 (per hp of motor)

Financing Options